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:. Raider // PT Teams
Spring Camp Raider Team

The Raider team has the privledge to wear the coveted Raider Team arc on their uniform. This team trains in the following areas: Map Reading, Land Navagation, Basic Marksmanship, and Physical Fitness. During the annual spring camp, the Raider team competes against other Army JROTC units in those areas as well as completing an obstacle course and a 2-mile run in the fastest time. The Raider team usually trains several months before Hell Week ever begins as well as camp. Those who don't make it through the Raider team trials during tryouts are then placed on the PT Team

Spring Camp PT Team

The Physical Training (PT) team is comprised with the same number of males and females as the Raider team: 5 males and 5 females. These cadets compete with the other Army JROTC units during the annual spring camp in Push-ups, Sit-ups, Shuttle Run, and a 1-mile run. The PT team also trains with the Raider team when it comes to keeping physically fit.


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